Grant Partnership

ASHA brings a wealth of expertise from across the country to school health projects. In recognition of ASHA’s national reputation and expertise, partner with ASHA to provide convening as well as research translation and dissemination to school health staff and other professionals nationwide. ASHA’s partnership will enhance the diffusion of research findings to the field. Read the letter of commitment here. Upcoming grant opportunities:

  • Arnold Ventures’ (AV) Moving the Needle Initiative
    Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. The Arnold Ventures’ (AV) Moving the Needle Initiative seeks to spur expanded implementation of evidence-based social programs in order to make significant headway against U.S. social problems. Learn more.
  • Native Farm to School 
    Native Farm to School is a youth-centered food sovereignty project under First Nations Development Institute’s Nourishing Native Foods and Health Program. Learn more.
  • National Association of School Nurses (NASN) 
    NASN aims to encourage and support research regarding school nursing and health of school-aged children. NASN is committed to advancing and funding quality school nursing practice and school-affiliated healthcare delivery.  Learn more. 
  • Helene Fuld Health Trust Scholarship 
    The Helene Fund Health Trust seeks to provide scholarships to individuals who are in accredited US Schools of Nursing Accelerated Second Degree or Doctor of Nursing Practice programs. Learn more. 
  • Healthy Habits for Life Grant Program  
    Healthy Habits for Life program is offering grants to assist schools in promoting healthy lifestyle choices to their K-12 students. Learn more. 


Conference Sponsorship

The Annual American School Health Conference attracts approximately 400 school health professionals from across the nation to network and discuss current school health issues and trends, research findings and innovative teaching techniques. 

Our hybrid event will attract a wide variety of people including elementary to post-secondary educators, principals and school board members, school nurses, social workers, counselors, government program associates, school based health center leadership, and school health experts from across the nation with interest/expertise in early childhood and child health, obesity prevention, immunizations, coordinated school health and public health.

Data Collection Support

We are proud to support school health research and will distribute online surveys for research purposes via email to individuals in our membership database. This database provides access to approximately 7,500 school health professionals, and can be sorted by a variety of fields including location, role, setting, and other demographics.

All requests will be collected through an online request form. Requests must include information such as title, purpose, funder, sampling frame, alignment with ASHA core beliefs, and IRB approval. Requests will be vetted through the ASHA Research and Publications Committee. The committee meets monthly. Only one survey per month will be distributed. All requests are considered on a first come, first served basis.

Media Kit

ASHA members work in Pre K-12 schools, or advise or oversee health education or health services programs in schools or state agencies. Below are the opportunities you will find in our ASHA Media Kit:

  • Dedicated Email
  • Journal of School Health Advertising
  • Webinar Sponsorship
  • School Health Action e-Newsletter Advertising
  • ASHAWEB.ORG Advertising

Download the Media Kit

Interested in advertising? Contact us by phone (202- 854-1721) or by email at